Gyansthali Public High School
- The School academic year commences in April and ends in March. SUMMER TIMINGS: 8.00 am to 1.30 pm for classes 1-X (from April to October) 8.00 am to 11.00 Noon for K.G. Classes Winter Timings: 9.00 a.m. to 2.30.00 p.m. for class 1-X (from Nov.-March) 9.00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. for K.G. Classes. These timing are subject to change whenever necessary. It may not always be possible to intimate the changes in advance.
- Registration for Lower K.G. Class will be done in January every year as per the Principal’s Circular.
- Eligibility for admission to L.K.G. Class is 3 years and 3 months as on 1st April of the concerned academic year. It is granted only by submitting along with the Application form, the original municipal birth certificate.
- New admissions to other classes will be made subject to the vacancies in each class in month of April after the Annual results.
- Every New Pupil Must Bring :
- A school leaving certificate, if the pupil comes from a recognized school.
- The original municipal birth certificate,
- Pupils applying of admission, are as a rule, subject to an entrance examination held at the beginning of the academic year. They must bring their own writing material but no special books are required. They will be tested for the class below the one to which they seek admission.
- A candidate who joins fresh from home or form a private school has, as a rule, to produce a municipal Birth Certificate in support of the date of birth entered in the admission form.
- School leaving Certificate will be given only to those students who have settled all their dues. Application for School Leaving Certificate should be made in writing by the parents. A fee of Rs. 50/- is charged for Issuing a School leaving Certificate and the date of birth or for any extract from the school’s General Register.
- Date of birth once registered cannot be altered.
- Students can be withdrawn or removed from the school as under:
- By giving one calendar months’ notice in writing. In the absence of such a notice one month’s fee will be charged.
- By the school authorities on any of the following ground.
- Constant weakness in studies.
- Irregularity in attendance.
- Over-age in any class.
- Non-payment of fees or chronic irregularity in payment.
- Moral breach considered serious by the school.
- Students who get married before completing the X Class.
- For withdrawl After April 30th fee for two months l.c. May & June will have to be paid. A fee of Rs. 50/- is charged for issuing a school leaving certificate.
- Fee is to be paid on or before 10th of the month. Parents who are irregular in paying fee are liable to a fine of Rs. 10/- per month Rs. 20/- for two months and Rs. 30/- for 3 months and so on.
- Fee can be deposited on every working day from the 1st of the month to 10th day of the month without late fee, from Monday to Saturday between 8:30 a.m. and 12:00 noon.
- No student will be allowed to sit for the first term or the second term examinations unless all school bills have been cleared.
- No concession is allowed when more than one child from a family is studying in the school.
- Fee will have to be paid as long as the pupil’s name is on the rolls.
- Certificates will be withheld from pupils who have arrears of fee, Fee for the vacation months are realized in advance.
- Once the admission and special fee have been paid that will not be refunded even if the pupil is withdrawn.
- Parents and guardians will kindly save the receipts issued to them and produce them in proof of payment of fee if needed.
- If the fee are not paid for two months, the pupil’s name will automatically be struck off the roll and re-admission fee of Rs 100/-will be charged along with the fee not paid by the student.
- The academic year of the School is divider into three terms.
- April to August
- September to December
- January to March
- Regular periodical test will be held in addition to the terminal examination.
- Pupils absent from an examination for any reason are not re-examined and those who absent themselves from an examination without valid, grave and genuine reason will be considered as having failed. In case of illness a doctor’s certificate will have to be produced. This does not guarantee promotion.
- No candidate will be admitted to any of the examinations unless all school dues have been paid in full.
- Willful breach of any of the regulations for the conduct of examination, is punishable with expulsion from the examination or, if subsequently discovered with cancellation of the paper.
- The students are strictly forbidden to borrow implements from their neighbor in the examination hall.
- Copying, consulting and carrying answer slips to the examination hall will be liable for punishment such as detention in the same class.
- Application for the verification of marks may be considered in special cases at the discretion of the Principal.
- The year’s work will be taken into account for drawing, music, craft, dance and physical education. No separate examination will be held in these subjects at the end of each term. Grades will be awarded for these subjects.
- Eligibility:-
- No student is generally eligible to appear at the terminal Examination unless he has put in at least 75% of the actual teaching/working days in a session as per the school calendar.
- In genuine cases the Principal may, however, condone the shortage in attendance not exceeding 10% of the actual teaching/working days of session.
- Promotion to a higher class depends upon:-
- Regularity in attendance
- Regularity and quality of day-to-day participation in the class.
- Opinion of teachers concerned.
- Written work and projects assigned by the subject teachers, (Sessional marks are based on a, b, c, and d)
- A candidate failing in one or two subjects may be given promotion provided he/she has secured least 35% of marks in each of the subject in which he/she failed and maintained an aggregate of 40%.
- Internal or sessional marks in each subject.
- Results declared at the end of the year are final in all cases and will not be re-considered.
- A student failing twice in the same class will have to discontinue his/her studies in the school.
- A progress report is shown to parents after each examination. Parents are requested to sign the report and return in to school.
- Leave of absence will be granted only for serious reasons, on previous written application from parents or guardians.
- In case of absence without leave, the student on returning to school must produce the reason of absence certified very briefly by his/her parents. A student returning to school after a contagious or an infectious disease should also produce a doctor’s certificate that they are free from infection. The school accepts no responsibility if the student, due to failure in producing such a certificate is obliged to return home during class hours.
- All are expected to attend school on the re-opening day after each vacation. Children of std. 1 to 10 who return late after the holidays without prior leave application will be fined Rs. 101- per day of absence. Those absent because of sickness must present a medical certificate before they are admitted to class. Absence for more than five class-days renders the pupil liable to be struck off the rolls. Readmission, if granted, will be done on payment of a readmission fee.
- Every student should carry with him/her daily the school diary.
- Children must be in their respective classrooms at least ten minutes before the time fixed for the assembly to commence.
- The warning bell before class is a signal for all to go to their respective classrooms. This should be done in silence.
- All pupils are expected to be present for assembly during which they pray together.
- The attendance roll will be taken at the beginning of the two sessions, morning and afternoon.
- No child is permitted to leave the school premises without the permission of the Principal/Vice-principal, which will be granted only on the specific written request of the parents.
- All should be habitually clean and always neatly dressed. The school uniform is to be worn on all class days. A student who is slovenly dressed may be excluded from the classroom or even sent home.
- During the recess pupils expected to leave the class-rooms.
- The Principal has the right to confiscate books, newspapers, periodicals and any other items which may be considered objectionable.
- All students must speak English in the school.
- Money should not be lent or borrowed or articles exchanged between the students,
- No collection for any purpose whatsoever is to be started and no meeting, demonstrations, party or picnic may be held without the previous permission of the principal.
- Presents to the member of the staff or other demonstration in their honor also require the previous sanction of the principal.
- Any pupil desiring to be exempted from P.T. or games must produce a Medical Certificate to the effect that he/she is physically unfit to take part therein.
- Children are not permitted to attend parties, go to the cinema or to a friend’s house on their way back home from school.
- All pupils from Std. VI onward must read a minimum of 5 English books and 3 Hindi books in a year. A one page summary of each book read must be shown to the class teacher or else 2 marks for every book not thus read will be deduced from English and Hindi paper in the terminal examination.
- All pupils should have their books in a canvas or leather bag, Aluminum suitcase and poly bags are banned in the school. Decorative bags and notebooks are not allowed.
- Care must be taken of all school property and no pupil should scratch or spoil the desks or chairs or damage any school furniture, write or draw anything on the wall, or in any way damage things belonging to others. Damages done even by accident should be reported at once to the class teachers or to the reported at once to the class teachers or to the Principal. Any damage done will be made good by the one who does it. Anyone who sees something damaged should report the matter even it he/she does not know who has done it. No pupil should bring razor blades or any sharp instruments to school.
- All letter and correspondence addressed to pupils are subject to the security of the Principal.
- The school is not responsible for articles or money lost. It is not advisable to bring valuable articles (like expensive watches, fountain pens. etc.) to school pupils below Std. V should not wear wristwatches in the school.
- Running playing, shouting and whistling inside the school building are never allowed.
- Parents and guardians are not permitted to walk into classrooms or interview teachers during class hours.
- The name, class, and section of the pupil should be clearly mentioned on all his/her belongings.
- The students should behave in a refined manner wherever they go. They should always remember that the school is judged by their conduct. They should always greet their teachers, elders, friends in a pleasant and audible tone of voice wherever they meet them in school or outside.
- Pupils shall be cheerful in their obedience to their parents and teacher, giving them always the respect and affection with gratitude.
- Cycle must be kept locked at the cycle stand only Students should not ride around the school compound on bicycles.
- Students who come to school in the care of servants should never leave before the servant arrives. In case of delay, they should report to the school office.
- Those who go home alone should not loiter around on their way back. They should be prompt. in returning home students are warned not to buy anything especially eatables from street vendors.
- Students will not be called on to answer phone calls during class hours. The School Phone No. 2501610 Only during the office hours the phone will be attended to No. mobiles are allowed in the school campus.
- Enrolment in Gyanasthali Public School implies, on the part of the pupils and parents, willingness to comply with the requirements and pupil without having to state any reason provided that she is satisfied that such a step is necessary for the interest of the school.
- Take up first the subject you most dislike, once you have done this, the rest of your work will be easy.
- Do not hesitate to ask your teacher or your cleverer companions things you do not grasp clearly. Never leave difficulties unanswered, as this will put your into greater difficulties later.
- To make sure that your have understood something thoroughly, use these tricks :
- Pretend that you are explaining the lesson to another, see if you can do it well.
- Make yourself your own teacher and question yourself and answer honestly (don’t cheat).
- Do not continue working when your are tired, walk round the garden, or talk to a friend or have some other pleasant interruption, but only enough to refresh you. finish your lessons and do not waste time.
- Get enough exercise every day, it keeps the mind fresh.
- Do not cut down necessary sleep in order to study. It will hurt your later on.
- Lastly, pray often to the All-wise and All-knowing God to help your to make progress in your studies.
- Never omit the lesson or home work assigned, for it is like missing a train that you can never catch afterwards.
- Always revise the work done in class and make sur that your have understood everything clearly and thoroughly.
- If memory work is assigned, learn it overnight and repeat it in the the morning.
- Always take down in your diary, the work that is assigned for the next day.
- All home work should be done neatly and always dated each new home work should be done on a fresh page.
- As you grow up. make a daily time-table for your self study (the different subjects in order of difficulty, the most difficult one being first) as well as for your rest, recreation etc. In this way you will learn to be a person of regular habits, a most valuable asset in later life.
- Revise at the end of the week all that was learnt during the week.
- Through the house council, senior students, nominated by the election committee, learn to work in a democratic way by planning organizing and executing various school activities. The House Council enlists the co-operation of the entire school community i.e. staff, students and parents in all its activities.
- The years a boy a girl spends in the school should enable him/her to acquire sound principles of conduct and action, and lay a solid foundation for true and purposeful living when he/she attains manhood/womanhood. Principles of honesty, trust, co-operation, self-reliance and hard work are inculcated through various school activities. In these activities the boy/girl learns to do things for himself/herself under the steady supervision of moderators. There he/she is given the opportunity to see the practical application of the abstract ideals of duty, co-operation and team-work, responsibility and mutual give-and-take that he/she has learnt in the classroom.
- Among these activities are the House Council, Debate, Elocution, and Essay and poetry contests, on an intramural and extramural level, dramas, K.G. Quiz, holiday tours, camps and excursion. Annual camps are being organized for class VI-X with a view to promoting the team spirit and co-operation among the students. Work Experience Camps, Social Work Camps, Leadership Training Service Camps strive to inculcate in the students, love for manual labour, awareness of the social conditions, spirits or right leadership and vice.
- Silence is to be observed in the library and Reading Room. Books issued are to be properly looked after and deposited on the due date.
- All pupils of the School are member of the library.
- A student can borrow only one book at a time.
- A student may ordinarily have a copy of a book for a week and the issue may be renewed further for the same period. No book that is in great demand shall be lent for more than four days.
- Books will be issued to students during the library period mentioned in the time table. No.books will be issued or returned during the teaching hours.
- Reference books will not be issued. Every member will be allowed to consult any reference book during the school hours only.
- The librarian may call for a book at any time even if the normal period of loan has not expired.
- If the date of issue or return of books happens to be a holiday, it stand postponed to the corresponding day of the following week.
- If the book is not returned at the expiry of the period of loan or after the librarian has called for it even within the period of loan, a fine of Rs. 2/- per day of delay will be charged. Fines shall be collected by the librarian and the fact notified in the defaulter’s card. Until such a fine is collected from the defaulter no book shall be issued to him or her.
- Absence is no excuse for the delay in return of the book after the expiry of the period of loan.
- In case a book is misused, wrongly handled or lost, the person concerned will have to pay the full price of the book.
- All markings, underlining and notation or defacing of books by any means are strictly forbidden. Fines shall be levied for violation of these rules.
- Members shall carefully examine the book as soon as it is issued to him/her. Any mark (spoil, damage, etc.) shall be forth with reported to the librarian.
- Members shall not, on any account, pass books to non-members.
- Issue of books shall be stopped by the 30th April and returning of books shall be completed by the 4th March of every year. This helps annual stock taking & Checking.
- Students will not be allowed in the library with their personal books or bags. Only note books will be allowed with the permission of the librarian.
- No magazine or, periodicals will be issued to the students except during the school hours.
- In order to secure all that is best in the education of your son or daughter the maximum co-operation between parents and school authorities is necessary. We earnestly recommend that parents or guardians look into their children’s school diary every day and find out all that has been done. The children should be encouraged to cultivate neatness habitually and slovenliness should be firmly disapproved of Remarks made in the diary should be seen and countersigned regularly.
- Should you feel that your children do not make the desired progress, the Principal/Headmistress should be contacted Private tuitions are strongly discouraged. If there is a real need of a private tutor, arrange for one after getting permission from the Principal. Normally the class teacher will not be allowed to teach his or her students. Parents, guardians or visitors should not visit the classroom during class hours.
- Criticism of a boy’s/girl’s teacher of his/her school in his/her presence should be strictly avoided because it causes the boy or girl to lose his/her respect for the teacher, with the consequent failure to learn from him/ her. If you have a legitimate complaint, see the Principal/Headmistress.
- As your boy/girl advances in age, guide him/her to become a resourceful & useful member of home & country. Encourage self-help for work & study. He/she should be taught to keep his/her room tidy, make his/ her own bed, polish his/her own shoes, carry his/her own bag, etc. The formation of such habits in life inculcates in him/her the idea of the dignity of work, a fundamental personal virtue necessary for a successful career in life. Boys and girls who are ill should not be sent to school to attend class or take the test. The chances are that he/she will do badly and consequently spoil the record of his/her term’s work, Cases of illness are settled on the basis of the term’s work in consultation with his/her teacher and his/her previous records.
- Withdrawal is your son/daughter from classes for social functions is not recommended because it retards the boy’s/girl’s progress in school and minimizes his/her respect for regular hard work with consequent failure to progress in his/her studies.
- As the medium of instruction in this school is English boys and girls, should be helped to follow their classes easily and intelligently by a certain amount of regular conversation English at home.
- Always gentle and kind to one another and other in and out of school.
- Never vulgar in talk and behavior.
- Willing to accept whatever work is assigned as his/her rightful share.
- Friendly and courteous to all visitors.
- Careful to rise when any Teacher or visitor centers or passes through any room in which he/she happens to be.
- Always truthful and honest, whatever the cost.
- Careful to respect the library and the right of others using it.
- Never found dropping papers in the school premises and is ready to pick up any paper. dropped by others.
- Quick to learn and observe good manners at table and else where.
- This Diary must be brought to School everyday and followed in detail. Daily lessons and home work should be inscribed herein. Parents and Teachers shall regularly see the calendar and sign. the reports and remarks. This promotes the tone of studies and discipline of students.
School Hours
- Winter :- 09:00 am To 02:30 pm
- Summer :- 08:00 am To 01:30 pm
Office Hours
- Winter :- 09:00 am To 02:30 pm
- Summer :- 08:00 am To 1:00 pm
Principal’s Office Hours
- Winter :- 09:30 am To 01:30 pm
- Summer :- 08:30 am To 12:30 pm
No School Transaction will be conducted on Holidays.